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Cryo Facials

Tighten loose skin and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Within the facial treatment, cooled CO2 is blown over the surface of the face and neck. The appearance of the face is enhanced immediately as pores shrink and facial inflammation and “puffiness” are reduced.

Dark spots are brightened, leaving a youthful, healthy glow. The skin becomes tighter, more even-toned, and blood circulation is improved. Over time, the skin of the face regains elasticity due to the increase in collagen.

  • Tighten The Skin

  • Enhance Skin Repair

  • Improve Skin Condition

  • Reduce Fine Lines & Wrinkles


Cryo Body Sculpting

Lose inches in a single treatment. With Cryo Body Contouring, there are two main mechanisms happening:

  1. Firming and tightening of the targeted area, which is instantly visible

  2. A longer term mechanism of cryolipolysis, which is a process of breaking down of the fat cells. This is the mechanism of conventional fat freezing treatments available on the market

Comparing with other cryo devices, the advantages of Kaasenlife™ is that there won’t be any bruising. It is quicker and you get an instant result. For Cryo Body Contouring treatments, we recommend 5 x 15 mins appointment to maximize the results.


Massages & Pain Relief

Muscles are loosened  and easier to manipulate. Cryotherapy is also an effective treatment for clients suffer from muscle aches and chronic pain. It delivers pain relief from three mechanisms:

  1. Reduces local and systemic inflammation, a major source of pain and health problems

  2. Triggers the release of analgesic (pain-relieving) endorphins

  3. Cold sensors in the skin travel to the brain faster than pain sensors. As a result, the brain is focusing on the cold sensation rather than the feeling of pain

Cryotherapy can also be combined with massage treatments for targeted concerns. 

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Psoriasis & Eczema

Reduce the signs and symptoms of skin conditions. Whether you’re suffering from eczema, psoriasis, or any other skin condition, treatments from Cryotherapy may be able to help!

Cryotherapy provides a non invasive, pain free and quick treatment to soothe itchy, sore, dry and reddened skin to help manage the symptoms of skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis.

By boosting the immune system to improve the body’s ability to heal itself, cryotherapy treatment promote self-healing. As a result, it helps the healing of the painful reddened areas affected by eczema.

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Reduces inflammation in the reticular dermis which reduces the formation of keloids.

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Hair Rejuvenation

The Kaasen helps with hair rejuvenation for clients by reducing inflammation and calming the overactive immune system that is attacking the hair follicles.